591 Hectares of NHS land to be sold to private developers. Why not use it for a housebuilding programme?
The following 348 NHS Properties are to be sold to private developers (see here). The overall amount of land NHS earmarked for sale totals more than 591 hectares and could comfortably build 15,000 properties. That would create more than 80,000 jobs. On Wednesday, I and my Labour Left colleagues will be meeting in Westminster to make the argument for a national house building programme that focuses on building affordable rental properties for the millions of working families who struggle to pay an average of £8,700 in rent per year. We think this NHS land & Ministry of Defence land, as well as empties business properties in the City of Westminster, would make for ideal land on which to concentrate a new house building programme. If you are interested in attending the Housing event, or a debate on the same day by Labour Left on how to organise to defend our NHS, then please email me on eclarke04@qub.ac.uk for details. Everyone is welcome.
For a report on the NHS land for sale, you should consider following this link to the Health Service Journal who compiled the data.
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