What is the cash advance loan? Online cash advance loans are just a small loan company third salary and revenue streams using your bank account to prove that you will be able to repay the loan. Most online cash advance companies require the last checkbox category: prove that you get each month a certain minimum amount before. It must also prove the account Your opening an account and a good reputation for at least a month. Online cash advance can often be the fastest way, the money you need for emergencies. Take a look at this example Sam is not the best month. Two weeks ago, he was surprised by the electricity bill, which makes them my questions, if they provide heat throughout the neighborhood has to offer. As a single mother of two was overloaded, and they are still trying to pay for what they spent Christmas. Before she could breathe and the question "what's next?", this car for oil change only to find out that he has a much bigger problem than the dirty oil...