Dear Dr. Val, I enjoy reading your blog and the contributions from many of the leading medical bloggers that appear on it. Occasionally, the spirit moves me to post a comment, but for the second time in just a few months my comment has not made it to your blog. Why? I also tweeted you to ask if there are technical difficulties peculiar to my comments, but I did not get a reply. Why? I know that some bloggers have a policy about what comments get rejected. I know that I will not accept abusive, profane or overtly marketing comments on my blog. I am sure you have the same standards. So, why not accept mine? I read Dr. Novella's post with great interest yesterday, and got passionate enough to write a pretty lengthy response. I am grateful to you and to Dr. Novella for allowing me to think through some of the issues that I commented on. But I was hoping for a dialogue... How will we ever arrive at mutual understanding or even better individual understanding without a cogent dialogue? ...